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Custom Medallion Beads

Production Time: 3 Working Days
100 $2.11 each
200 $1.88 each
300 $1.82 each
500 $1.73 each
1000 $1.03 each
3000 $1.00 each
5000 $0.95 each
10000 $0.82 each
30000 $0.66 each
50000 $0.58 each
This eye-catching token can be attached to your choice of colored beaded necklace. Each medallion comes with a silver metal jump ring and your selected color of beaded necklace. These custom pride medallions are perfect for celebrating Pride Month. Each one can be custom imprinted with your information. Quantities of 30,000 pieces and over are eligible for sea shipping.

Normal Production Time
3 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
Eye-catching token can be attached to your choice of colored beaded necklace. Each medallion comes with a silver metal jump ring.


© Copyright Donna's Printing