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Wallet Phone Case for Cell Privacy Protection

Production Time: 9 Working Days
50 $7.17 each
100 $6.13 each
300 $5.42 each
500 $4.95 each
1000 $4.40 each
2000 $3.90 each
3000 $3.60 each
5000 $2.88 each
10000 $2.77 each
20000 $2.70 each
The Signal Blocking Bag shields smart-cards from hackers' RFID readers in the 10 kHz-30 GHz range. Its inner layer effectively blocks signals, while the sleek black leather exterior doubles as a stylish, functional case. By storing ID and bank cards, you can prevent magnetism loss and data leaks. This Faraday bag also blocks GPS and car-key signals, ensuring your privacy and protecting your vehicle's security system from hacking. Orders of 5,000+ pieces are eligible for sea freight pricing.

Normal Production Time
9 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
The Signal Blocking Bag shields smart-cards from hackers' RFID readers in the 10 kHz-30 GHz range.


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