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Dual-Sided Portable Lens Cleaner for Effortless Glasses Care

Production Time: 5 Working Days
100 $1.05 each
200 $0.97 each
500 $0.93 each
800 $0.87 each
1000 $0.78 each
3000 $0.23 each
5000 $0.65 each
8000 $0.53 each
15000 $0.27 each
This double-sided portable glasses cleaner offers a convenient way to maintain your eyewear on the go. Made of durable plastic, its compact dimensions of 2.8??1.02??0.79 inches make it small enough to fit in your pocket or attach to a keychain. Available in multiple colors, it provides a safe and effective way to clean lenses, leaving them free of smudges and scratches, perfect for daily use. Welcome your inquiry and logo.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
Length:2.8:in; Width:1.02:in;

0.02 lbs

Additional Information
Portable double-sided glasses cleaner, perfect for quick and gentle lens cleaning on the go. Orders of 3000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.


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