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Convenient Portable Glasses Cleaner with Double-Sided Design

Production Time: 5 Working Days
100 $1.05 each
200 $0.97 each
500 $0.93 each
800 $0.87 each
1000 $0.78 each
3000 $0.23 each
5000 $0.65 each
8000 $0.53 each
15000 $0.27 each
Keep your glasses spotless on the go with this portable double-sided cleaner. Crafted from durable plastic, it features a compact design measuring 2.8??1.02??0.79 inches, allowing for easy portability in your pocket or on a keychain. The cleaner gently cleans lenses without leaving any marks, making it an essential accessory for office workers, students, and anyone who needs a quick lens clean. Welcome your inquiry and logo.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
Length:2.8:in; Width:1.02:in;

0.02 lbs

Additional Information
Portable double-sided glasses cleaner, perfect for quick and gentle lens cleaning on the go. Orders of 3000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.


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